

  I'm kind of honored to be a dragon lady. The dragon is a very powerful, mythical animal.ドラゴン・レディ(アジア人の女性に使われる侮蔑の言葉)になるのは光栄よ。ドラゴンはとても強く神秘的な動物ですから。Yoko OnoI’m kind of honored to be a dragon lady. The dragon is a very powerful, mythical animal.

  We know that our cells are speaking to each other.私たちの細胞は互いに話していることを私たちは知っています。Yoko OnoWe know that our cells are speaking to each other.

  We don't live by just sleeping and eating. We need pride and dignity in our lives. Work gives you that.寝て食べるためだけで生きてるわけではない。私たちの生活には誇りと尊厳が必要です。仕事はそれをあなたに与えてくれます。Yoko OnoWe don’t live by just sleeping and eating. We need pride and dignity in our lives. Work gives you that.

  Controversy is part of the nature of art and creativity.論争は、芸術と創造性の性質の一部である。Yoko OnoControversy is part of the nature of art and creativity.

  Every moment in our lives is a miracle we should enjoy instead of ignoring.私たちの人生のすべての瞬間は、ただやり過ごすのではなく楽しむべきミラクルなのです。Yoko OnoEvery moment in our lives is a miracle we should enjoy instead of ignoring.

  Please know that being 80 is not a scary thing. When you're 80, your life is much freer.80歳になるのは恐ろしいことではないのです。あなたが80歳になったとき、あなたの人生はもっと自由になっています。Yoko OnoPlease know that being 80 is not a scary thing. When you’re 80, your life is much freer.

  There's a long life ahead of you and it's going to be beautiful, as long as you keep loving and hugging each other.この先まだ長いけど、素晴らしい人生が待ってるわ。お互いに愛しあいハグしている限りね。Yoko OnoThere’s a long life ahead of you and it’s going to be beautiful, as long as you keep loving and hugging each other.

  Being alone is very difficult.一人になるのは、とても難しいこと。Yoko OnoBeing alone is very difficult.

  Healing yourself is connected with healing others.自身を癒すということは、自分以外の人々を癒すことと関係があります。Yoko OnoHealing yourself is connected with healing others.

  Distance doesn't exist, in fact, and neither does time. Vibrations from love or music can be felt everywhere, at all times.距離というものは存在しないのです。実は時間も存在しないのです。愛や音楽の感触はいつでもどこでも感じることができるのです。Yoko OnoDistance doesn’t exist, in fact, and neither does time. Vibrations from love or music can be felt everywhere, at all times.

  Experiencing sadness and anger can make you feel more creative, and by being creative, you can get beyond your pain or negativity.悲しみと怒りを経験するとあなたは創造的な気分になれる。そして創造的であれば、痛みやネガティブさの先へ行けるのです。Yoko OnoExperiencing sadness and anger can make you feel more creative, and by being creative, you can get beyond your pain or negativity.

  Art is my life and my life is art.アートは私の人生で私の人生はアートなのです。Yoko OnoArt is my life and my life is art.

  The regret of my life is that I have not said 'I love you' often enough.人生で後悔していることは、「愛してる」っていつも十分には言わなかったこと。Yoko OnoThe regret of my life is that I have not said ‘I love you’ often enough.

  I get very nervous before I get on the stage, but once I'm on the stage, I'm just, you know, me. Nothing hurts me.ステージに上がる前、すごくナーバスになるの。だけど一旦ステージにあがると、わかるでしょ?何ともなくなるの。Yoko OnoI get very nervous before I get on the stage, but once I’m on the stage, I’m just, you know, me. Nothing hurts me.

  When you go through a negative situation, don't think about it. Make it positive.ネガティブな状況を経験するとき、そう考えないで、ポジティブに考えてください。Yoko OnoWhen you go through a negative situation, don’t think about it. Make it positive.

  Sometimes the father feels pushed out because of the connection between the mother and the child.母親と子供のつながりのせいで、父親は時々のけ者にされたと感じることがあります。Yoko OnoSometimes the father feels pushed out because of the connection between the mother and the child.

  I am extremely rebellious. I have this strong, defiant spirit.わたしはめちゃくちゃ反抗的です。強い挑戦的な精神をもっています。Yoko OnoI am extremely rebellious. I have this strong, defiant spirit.

  The sky is always there for me, while my life has been going through many, many changes. When I look up the sky, it gives me a nice feeling, like looking at an old friend.本当にたくさんの変化が私の人生にはあり、空はいつも私のためにある。空を見上げると、昔の友人をみあげるような、素敵な気持ちになるのです。Yoko OnoThe sky is always there for me, while my life has been going through many, many changes. When I look up the sky, it gives me a nice feeling, like looking at an old friend.

  I thought art was a verb, rather than a noun.「アート」は名詞というより動詞だと思うわ。Yoko OnoI thought art was a verb, rather than a noun.

  People make music to get a reaction. Music is communication.共感を得るために人は音楽をつくる。音楽はコミュニケーションなの。Yoko OnoPeople make music to get a reaction. Music is communication.

  Many people do remember their births, but they deny it.多くの人が彼ら自身の誕生を覚えている。でも彼らはそれを否定するのです。Yoko OnoMany people do remember their births, but they deny it.

  War is over if you want it.あなたが願えば、戦争は終わる。Yoko OnoWar is over if you want it.

  I like artists who have something to say, not wallpaper.壁紙が好きなのではなく、メッセージを発信するアーティストが好きなのです。Yoko OnoI like artists who have something to say, not wallpaper.

  Some people are old at 18 and some are young at 90. Time is a concept that humans created.ある人は18歳でとても年老いている。ある人は90歳でとても若々しい。時間とは人間が作り出した概念にすぎない。Yoko OnoSome people are old at 18 and some are young at 90. Time is a concept that humans created.

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