
26の名言とエピソードで知る巨匠 スティーブン・スピルバーグ[英語と和訳]

  A lot of the films I’ve made probably could have worked just as well 50 years ago, and that’s just because I have a lot of old-fashion values.僕が作った映画の多くは、50年前の人々の心にも響くと思う。僕は昔ながらの価値観を大切にしているからね。Steven SpielbergA lot of the films I’ve made probably could have worked just as well 50 years ago, and that’s just because I have a lot of old-fashion values.

  History opens up new worlds to film-makers all the time.

  I never felt comfortable with myself, because I was never part of the majority. I always felt awkward and shy and on the outside of the momentum of my friends’ lives.僕は多数派側の人間になったことがなく、自分の居場所を見つけたことがない。いつもきまりが悪く、内気で、友達の勢いのある生活の外側にいた。Steven SpielbergI never felt comfortable with myself, because I was never part of the majority. I always felt awkward and shy and on the outside of the momentum of my friends’ lives.

  Even though I get older, what I do never gets old, and that’s what I think keeps me hungry.僕は年をとったとしても、僕がやってることは決して年を取らない。それが僕をハングリーでいさせるんだ。Steven SpielbergEven though I get older, what I do never gets old, and that’s what I think keeps me hungry.

  There is a fine line between censorship and good taste and moral responsibility.映画検閲と良識と倫理的責任との間にはわずかな違いがある。Steven SpielbergThere is a fine line between censorship and good taste and moral responsibility.

  Audrey gave more than she ever got. The whole world is going to miss her.オードリー(ヘップバーン)は自分が手にした以上のものを与えてくれた。彼女に会えなくなって、全世界が寂しがるよ。Steven SpielbergAudrey gave more than she ever got. The whole world is going to miss her.

  Why pay a dollar for a bookmark? Why not use the dollar for a bookmark?どうしてしおりに1ドル支払うの?その1ドル札をしおりとして使えばいいのに。Steven SpielbergWhy pay a dollar for a bookmark? Why not use the dollar for a bookmark?

  I always like to think of the audience when I am directing. Because I am the audience.監督をしているとき、観客のことを考えるのがいつも好きなんだ。だって僕はその観客だからね。Steven SpielbergI always like to think of the audience when I am directing. Because I am the audience.

  Godzilla was the most masterful of all dinosaur movies because it made you believe it was really happening.ゴジラはすべての恐竜映画のなかでも最も見事な映画だった。なぜならそれが本当に起きていると信じさせるリアリティがあったからね。- ジュラシック・パークのメイキングよりSteven SpielbergGodzilla was the most masterful of all dinosaur movies because it made you believe it was really happening.
ゴジラはすべての恐竜映画のなかでも最も見事な映画だった。なぜならそれが本当に起きていると信じさせるリアリティがあったからね。- ジュラシック・パークのメイキングより

  Every time I go to a movie, it’s magic, no matter what the movie’s about.映画に行く度に、あたかも魔法のように楽しませてくれるんだ。どんな映画であってもね。Steven SpielbergEvery time I go to a movie, it’s magic, no matter what the movie’s about.

  This opportunity … allows all of us to reach out directly to open a much wider door.この機会により、我々皆がもっと広い扉を直接開けられるようになるんだ。Steven SpielbergThis opportunity … allows all of us to reach out directly to open a much wider door.

  I’ve always been very hopeful which I guess isn’t strange coming from me. I don’t want to call myself an optimist. I want to say that I’ve always been full of hope. I’ve never lost that. I have a lot of hope for this country and for the entire world.僕はいつも希望に満ちているんだけど、なんとなく僕から想像はつくでしょう。自分自身を楽観主義者とは言いたくはない。私はいつも多くの希望を持ち続けてきたんだ。その希望を失ったことはない。この国と全世界には大きな希望がある、と僕は思っている。Steven SpielbergI’ve always been very hopeful which I guess isn’t strange coming from me. I don’t want to call myself an optimist. I want to say that I’ve always been full of hope. I’ve never lost that. I have a lot of hope for this country and for the entire world.

  Only a generation of readers will spawn a generation of writers.その世代の読者が、その世代の作家を生み出す。Steven SpielbergOnly a generation of readers will spawn a generation of writers.

  The delicate balance of mentoring someone is not creating them in your own image, but giving them the opportunity to create themselves.誰かを指導することの微妙なバランスは、あなた固有のイメージではなく、彼ら自身で創作するチャンスを与えることだ。Steven SpielbergThe delicate balance of mentoring someone is not creating them in your own image, but giving them the opportunity to create themselves.

  My problem is that my imagination won’t turn off. I wake up so excited I can’t eat breakfast. I’ve never run out of energy.僕の問題は、想像することのスイッチを切ることができないことだ。すごく興奮して朝起き、朝食を食べられない。僕のエネルギーが尽きることはないんだ。Steven SpielbergMy problem is that my imagination won’t turn off. I wake up so excited I can’t eat breakfast. I’ve never run out of energy.

  All of us every single year, we’re a different person. I don’t think we’re the same person all our lives.僕たちは皆、毎年毎年違う人間だ。一生を通じて同じ人間なんてことはない。Steven SpielbergAll of us every single year, we’re a different person. I don’t think we’re the same person all our lives.

  I love editing. It’s one of my favorite parts about filmmaking.編集が大好きだ。映画製作でお気に入りなものの一つさ。Steven SpielbergI love editing. It’s one of my favorite parts about filmmaking.

  Our one goal is to give the world a taste of peace, friendship, and understanding through the visual arts, the art of celebration of life.僕たちのひとつの目標は、平和、友好、ビジュアルアートを通じた理解、人生を祝福する方法の一端を世界に与えることです。Steven SpielbergOur one goal is to give the world a taste of peace, friendship, and understanding through the visual arts, the art of celebration of life.

  All through my career I've done what I can to discover new talent and give them a start.僕のキャリアを通じてずっとやってきたことは、新しい才能を発見し、彼らに出発点を与えることだ。Steven SpielbergAll through my career I’ve done what I can to discover new talent and give them a start.

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