
  There's a rebel lying deep in my soul.私の魂の深いところに反逆者がいる。Clint EastwoodThere’s a rebel lying deep in my soul.

  Aging can be fun if you lay back and enjoy it.年をとることを楽しむことはできる。リラックスして楽しめばね。Clint EastwoodAging can be fun if you lay back and enjoy it.

  It takes tremendous discipline to control the influence, the power you have over other people's lives.人々の生活に波及するような影響力をコントロールするには徹底した訓練が必要だ。Clint EastwoodIt takes tremendous discipline to control the influence, the power you have over other people’s lives.

  I think 'Dirty Harry' was probably sensitive toward the victims of violent crime.ダーティー・ハリーは暴力犯罪の被害者に対しておそらく敏感なものだった。Clint EastwoodI think ‘Dirty Harry’ was probably sensitive toward the victims of violent crime.

  I will never win an Oscar, and do you know why? First of all, because I’m not Jewish. Secondly, I make too much money for all those old farts in the Academy.

  Fate pulls you in different directions.運命は君をいろいろな方向へ引っ張るものだ。Clint EastwoodFate pulls you in different directions.

  Respect your efforts, respect yourself. Self-respect leads to self-discipline. When you have both firmly under your belt, that's real power.自身の努力をリスペクトし、自分自身をリスペクトするんだ。自己のリスペクトは自己鍛錬へとつながる。これらを身につけることができたとき、君は本物の力をてにするだろう。Clint EastwoodRespect your efforts, respect yourself. Self-respect leads to self-discipline. When you have both firmly under your belt, that’s real power.

  Sometimes if you want to see a change for the better, you have to take things into your own hands.良い変化を見たいのならば、自身の手で物事をきちんとコントロールすることだ。Clint EastwoodSometimes if you want to see a change for the better, you have to take things into your own hands.

  Every movie I make teaches me something. That's why I keep making them.私が作った映画はすべて私に何か教えてくれる。だからこそ私は映画を作り続けるんだ。Clint EastwoodEvery movie I make teaches me something. That’s why I keep making them.

  I never sympathise with the accused unless there's a chance the accused is not guilty, but I certainly don't ever sympathise with the criminal.被告人が有罪でないという可能性がない限り、被告人に共感しないが、犯罪者には絶対に共感しない。Clint EastwoodI never sympathise with the accused unless there’s a chance the accused is not guilty, but I certainly don’t ever sympathise with the criminal.

  I loved the fact that Obama is multi-racial. I thought that was terrific, as my wife is the same racial make-up.私は、オバマ大統領が多人種であるという事実が好きだった。 私の妻が同じ多人種構成であり、それは素晴らしいと思った。Clint EastwoodI loved the fact that Obama is multi-racial. I thought that was terrific, as my wife is the same racial make-up.
私は、オバマ大統領が多人種であるという事実が好きだった。 私の妻が同じ多人種構成であり、それは素晴らしいと思った。

  Plagiarism is always the biggest thing in Hollywood.盗作は常にハリウッドで最大の問題だ。Clint EastwoodPlagiarism is always the biggest thing in Hollywood.

  They say marriages are made in Heaven. But so is thunder and lightning.結婚は天国で行われるというが、雷や稲妻もそうだ。Clint EastwoodThey say marriages are made in Heaven. But so is thunder and lightning.

  Winning the election is a good-news, bad-news kind of thing. Okay, now you're the mayor. The bad news is, now you're the mayor.選挙で勝利することは良い知らせだったり悪い知らせだったりする。さて、あなたは市長だ。悪い知らせは、あなたが市長になったということだ。Clint EastwoodWinning the election is a good-news, bad-news kind of thing. Okay, now you’re the mayor. The bad news is, now you’re the mayor.

  I think kids are natural actors. You watch most kids; if they don't have a toy, they'll pick up a stick and make a toy out of it. Kids will daydream all the time.子どもたちは天然の役者だ。もしおもちゃを持ってなければ、棒切れを拾ってそれをおもちゃにする。子どもたちはいつだって空想できるんだ。Clint EastwoodI think kids are natural actors. You watch most kids; if they don’t have a toy, they’ll pick up a stick and make a toy out of it. Kids will daydream all the time.

  This film cost $31 million. With that kind of money I could have invaded some country.この映画の費用は3,100万ドルだ。どこかの国に攻め入ることができてしまうかのような金額だ。Clint EastwoodThis film cost $31 million. With that kind of money I could have invaded some country.

  Crimes against children are the most heinous crime. That, for me, would be a reason for capital punishment because children are innocent and need the guidance of an adult society.子供に対する犯罪は最も凶悪な犯罪です。子供たちはあどけなく大人社会の指導が必要なので、それらの罪は極刑の理由になるでしょう。Clint EastwoodCrimes against children are the most heinous crime. That, for me, would be a reason for capital punishment because children are innocent and need the guidance of an adult society.

  It's always fun to talk about jazz.ジャズについて話すのはいつも楽しいね。Clint EastwoodIt’s always fun to talk about jazz.

  I don't think I've met anyone with a stronger work ethic than Ray Charles.レイ・チャールズより強い労働倫理を持つ人に会ったことはない。Clint EastwoodI don’t think I’ve met anyone with a stronger work ethic than Ray Charles.

  There's only one way to have a happy marriage and as soon as I learn what it is I'll get married again.幸せな結婚をする方法はひとつあり、それが何なのか、私が学べればもう一度結婚するでしょう。Clint EastwoodThere’s only one way to have a happy marriage and as soon as I learn what it is I’ll get married again.

  We boil at different degrees.我々はそれぞれ、違う温度で沸騰する。Clint EastwoodWe boil at different degrees.

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