
  Nothing is more intolerable than to have to admit to yourself your own errors.自分の誤りを認めなければならないことほど耐えがたいものはない。Ludwig van BeethovenNothing is more intolerable than to have to admit to yourself your own errors.

  Don’t only practice your art, but force your way into its secrets; art deserves that, for it and knowledge can raise man to the Divine.

  Music is the one incorporeal entrance into the higher world of knowledge which comprehends mankind but which mankind cannot comprehend.音楽はより高い知識世界への入り口のひとつである。音楽は人類を理解するが人類は理解できない。Ludwig van BeethovenMusic is the one incorporeal entrance into the higher world of knowledge which comprehends mankind but which mankind cannot comprehend.

  The barriers are not erected which can say to aspiring talents and industry, “Thus far and no farther.”大志ある才能と勤勉さの前に「ここより先は進入禁止」の柵は立てられない。Ludwig van BeethovenThe barriers are not erected which can say to aspiring talents and industry, “Thus far and no farther.”

  What you are, you are by accident of birth; what I am, I am by myself. There are and will be a thousand princes; there is only one Beethoven.あなたは偶然生まれた存在だ。そして千人もの王子が存在するが、ベートーベンは一人だけだ。Ludwig van BeethovenWhat you are, you are by accident of birth; what I am, I am by myself. There are and will be a thousand princes; there is only one Beethoven.

  I will seize fate by the throat. It will not wholly conquer me! Oh, how beautiful it is to live – and live a thousand times over!私は運命の喉首を締め上げてやるのだ。決して運命に圧倒されないぞ!この人生を千倍も生きたなら、どんなに素敵だろう!Ludwig van BeethovenI will seize fate by the throat. It will not wholly conquer me! Oh, how beautiful it is to live – and live a thousand times over!

  Is it not true, Hummel, that I have some talent after all?結局のところ、私に才能はあったのだろうか。Ludwig van BeethovenIs it not true, Hummel, that I have some talent after all?

  Artists who have won fame are embarrassed by it; thus their first works are often their best.名声を勝ちとった芸術家は、そのことが足かせにある。そのため、処女作が往々にして最高作となる。Ludwig van BeethovenArtists who have won fame are embarrassed by it; thus their first works are often their best.

  Music is the mediator between the spiritual and the sensual life.音楽とは精神と感覚の世界を結ぶ媒介のようなものである。Ludwig van BeethovenMusic is the mediator between the spiritual and the sensual life.

  Art! Who comprehends her? With whom can one consult concerning this great goddess?芸術!誰が芸術を理解しているというのか?この偉大な女神について誰に助言を求められよう?- ベッティーナ・フォン・アルニムへ宛てた手紙よりLudwig van BeethovenArt! Who comprehends her? With whom can one consult concerning this great goddess?
芸術!誰が芸術を理解しているというのか?この偉大な女神について誰に助言を求められよう?- ベッティーナ・フォン・アルニムへ宛てた手紙より

  Music comes to me more readily than words.音楽は言葉より容易に私に届く。Ludwig van BeethovenMusic comes to me more readily than words.

  Music is the wine which inspires one to new generative processes, and I am Bacchus who presses out this glorious wine for mankind and makes them spiritually drunken.音楽は新しい創造を醸し出す葡萄酒だ。そして私は人間のためにこの精妙な葡萄酒を搾り出し、人間を精神的に酔わすバッカスだ。Ludwig van BeethovenMusic is the wine which inspires one to new generative processes, and I am Bacchus who presses out this glorious wine for mankind and makes them spiritually drunken.

  We mortals with immortal minds are only born for sufferings and joys, and one could almost say that the most excellent receive joy through sufferings.不死の心を持つ我々人間は、苦悩と歓喜の為だけに生まれる。その中で最も優れた者は、苦悩を突き抜けて、歓喜を勝ち得ると言えるだろう。Ludwig van BeethovenWe mortals with immortal minds are only born for sufferings and joys, and one could almost say that the most excellent receive joy through sufferings.

  You’ll give happiness and joy to many other people. There is nothing better or greater than that!多くの人々に幸せや喜びを与えること以上に、崇高で素晴らしいものはない。Ludwig van BeethovenYou’ll give happiness and joy to many other people. There is nothing better or greater than that!

  Your love makes me at once the happiest and the unhappiest of men.君の愛は、私を最も幸せな男にするのと同時に最も不幸な男にもする。Ludwig van BeethovenYour love makes me at once the happiest and the unhappiest of men.

  Applaud, my friends, the comedy is over.友よ拍手を!喜劇は終わった。- ベートーヴェンの死に際の言葉Ludwig van BeethovenApplaud, my friends, the comedy is over.
友よ拍手を!喜劇は終わった。- ベートーヴェンの死に際の言葉

  Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy.音楽はあらゆる知恵や哲学よりも高度な啓示である。Ludwig van BeethovenMusic is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy.

  Beethoven can write music, thank God, but he can do nothing else on earth.ベートーベンは音楽は作れるが、ありがたいことに、この世では他に何もできない。Ludwig van BeethovenBeethoven can write music, thank God, but he can do nothing else on earth.


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