23の名言とエピソードで知る 投資家ジム・ロジャーズ[英語と和訳]

  Commodities tend to zig when the equity markets zag.株式市場がジグザグすると、コモディディ市場がジグザグする傾向がある。Jim RogersCommodities tend to zig when the equity markets zag.

  If everyone thinks one way, it is likely to be wrong. If you can figure out that it is wrong, you are likely to make a lot of money.誰もが道はひとつと考えるならば、間違っている可能性が高い。それが間違っていると分かるならば、大金を稼ぐ可能性が高い。Jim RogersIf everyone thinks one way, it is likely to be wrong. If you can figure out that it is wrong, you are likely to make a lot of money.

  Not one country in existence today has had the same borders and government for as long as two hundred years. The world will continue changing.今日、200年の間、同じ国境と政府を保っている国は存在しない。世界は変わり続ける。《参照:A Gift to My Children: A Father's Lessons for Life and Investing(2009)》Jim RogersNot one country in existence today has had the same borders and government for as long as two hundred years. The world will continue changing.
今日、200年の間、同じ国境と政府を保っている国は存在しない。世界は変わり続ける。《参照:A Gift to My Children: A Father’s Lessons for Life and Investing(2009)》

  If you want to make a lot of money, resist diversification.もし財を築きたいのならば、分散投資はやめておきなさい。Jim RogersIf you want to make a lot of money, resist diversification.

  The Roman censor Appius Claudius the Blind said, Every man is the architect of his own fortune.古代ローマの盲目の監査官、アッピウス・クラウディウスは、「すべての人は自身の財産の建築家である」と言った。《参照:Street Smarts: Adventures on the Road and in the Markets(2013)》Jim RogersThe Roman censor Appius Claudius the Blind said, Every man is the architect of his own fortune.
古代ローマの盲目の監査官、アッピウス・クラウディウスは、「すべての人は自身の財産の建築家である」と言った。《参照:Street Smarts: Adventures on the Road and in the Markets(2013)》

  If the current birth rate, which is the lowest in the major developed countries, continues, there will be no Japanese. Who will pay the enormous debt?主要先進国で今の最も低い出生率が続くならば、日本人はいなくなるでしょう。誰が多額の債務を払うというのか?Jim RogersIf the current birth rate, which is the lowest in the major developed countries, continues, there will be no Japanese. Who will pay the enormous debt?

  You will never get anywhere if you do not do your homework.下調べをしないならば、あなたは決して成功しないだろう。Jim RogersYou will never get anywhere if you do not do your homework.

  Bottoms in the investment world don't end with four-year lows; they end with 10- or 15-year lows.投資世界の底は4年間では終わらない。10年か15年はかかるだろう。Jim RogersBottoms in the investment world don’t end with four-year lows; they end with 10- or 15-year lows.

  Teach your children or your grandchildren Chinese. It is going to be the most important language of their lifetimes.子どもたちや孫たちに中国語を教えなさい。中国語は、彼らの生涯においてもっとも重要な言語になります。《参照:A Bull in China: Investing Profitably in the World's Greatest Market(2007)》Jim RogersTeach your children or your grandchildren Chinese. It is going to be the most important language of their lifetimes.
子どもたちや孫たちに中国語を教えなさい。中国語は、彼らの生涯においてもっとも重要な言語になります。《参照:A Bull in China: Investing Profitably in the World’s Greatest Market(2007)》

  If you were smart in 1807 you moved to London, if you were smart in 1907 you moved to New York City, and if you are smart in 2007 you move to Asia.1807年、あなたが賢明ならロンドンに引っ越したでしょう。1907年、あなたが賢明ならニューヨークシティに引っ越したでしょう。2007年、もしあなたが賢明ならアジアに引っ越すでしょう。Jim RogersIf you were smart in 1807 you moved to London, if you were smart in 1907 you moved to New York City, and if you are smart in 2007 you move to Asia.

  Most of my thoughts, you couldn't print.ほとんどの私の考えは、出版できなかった。Jim RogersMost of my thoughts, you couldn’t print.

  If I were a 10-year-old Japanese, I'd get myself an AK-47, and I'd leave.もし私がいま10歳の日本人ならば、AK-47を購入し、この国を去ることを選ぶだろう。(アベノミクスの長期継続を前提とした未来を悲観し)Jim RogersIf I were a 10-year-old Japanese, I’d get myself an AK-47, and I’d leave.


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