
23の名言とエピソードで知る ペレ[英語と和訳]

  I am constantly being asked about individuals. The only way to win is as a team. Football is not about one or two or three star players.私は絶えず個々の選手について質問を受ける。試合に勝つ唯一の方法はチームとしてプレーすることだ。サッカーは1人や2人、もしくは3人のスター選手だけで成り立つものではない。PeléI am constantly being asked about individuals. The only way to win is as a team. Football is not about one or two or three star players.

  The World Cup is a very important way to measure the good players, and the great ones. It is a test of a great player.ワールドカップは優れた選手、そして偉大な選手を見極める主たる方法である。それは偉大な選手の試験の場ともいえる。PeléThe World Cup is a very important way to measure the good players, and the great ones. It is a test of a great player.

  You must respect people and work hard to be in shape. And I used to train very hard. When the others players went to the beach after training, I was there kicking the ball.他人を尊重し、万全の状態にするためのたくさんの努力も必要だ。私はとても一生懸命にトレーニングをしていた。私以外の選手が練習後ビーチに行っている時も、私はボールを蹴っていたんだ。PeléYou must respect people and work hard to be in shape. And I used to train very hard. When the others players went to the beach after training, I was there kicking the ball.

  Everything on earth is a game. A passing thing. We all end up dead. We all end up the same, don’t we?地球上にあるすべてのものはゲームだ。一過性のものだ。私たちはみな死ぬ。最後はみな一緒だ。そう思わないか?PeléEverything on earth is a game. A passing thing. We all end up dead. We all end up the same, don’t we?

  People argue between Pele or Maradona. Di Stéfano is the best, much more complete.人々はペレかマラドーナか論ずるが、アルフレッド・ディ・ステファノ(アルゼンチン出身のサッカー選手)こそが最高のプレーヤーだ。はるかに完成されているのだ。PeléPeople argue between Pele or Maradona. Di Stéfano is the best, much more complete.

  Enthusiasm is everything. It must be taut and vibrating like a guitar string.情熱がすべてである。それをギターの弦のようにピンと張り振動させなければならない。PeléEnthusiasm is everything. It must be taut and vibrating like a guitar string.

  The level of football in England is the top. English football is the leader in the world.イギリスのサッカーのレベルはトップだ。英国のサッカーは世界のリーダーだ。PeléThe level of football in England is the top. English football is the leader in the world.

  Edson is the person that supports Pele. Edson is the base. Pele just comes and adds the face.エドソン(ペレの本名)は、ペレを支える人物です。エドソンは土台であり、ペレはちょっと来て、顔を添えるんだ。PeléEdson is the person that supports Pele. Edson is the base. Pele just comes and adds the face.

  When you are young, you do a lot of stupid things.若いときには、たくさんバカなことをするものだ。PeléWhen you are young, you do a lot of stupid things.

  Pele doesn’t die. Pele will never die. Pele is going to go on for ever.ペレは死なない。これからも決して死なないだろう。ペレは永遠に進み続けるんだ。PeléPele doesn’t die. Pele will never die. Pele is going to go on for ever.


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