
  If you plan on being anything less than you are capable of being, you will probably be unhappy all the days of your life.持てる可能性をすべて試しきらないのなら、あなたの人生は不幸せになるだろう。Abraham MaslowIf you plan on being anything less than you are capable of being, you will probably be unhappy all the days of your life.

  We fear to know the fearsome and unsavory aspects of ourselves, but we fear even more to know the godlike in ourselves.我々は、自身の嫌な面や不愉快な面を知ることを恐れるが、自身の神のような側面を知ることも恐れている。Abraham MaslowWe fear to know the fearsome and unsavory aspects of ourselves, but we fear even more to know the godlike in ourselves.

  Education can become a self-fulfilling activity, liberating in and of itself.教育は自己実現の活動になり、教育自体が解放されます。Abraham MaslowEducation can become a self-fulfilling activity, liberating in and of itself.

  We may define therapy as a search for value.セラピーを価値の探求と定義する。Abraham MaslowWe may define therapy as a search for value.

  Human nature is not nearly as bad as it has been thought to be.人間の本性は考えられているほど悪くはない。Abraham MaslowHuman nature is not nearly as bad as it has been thought to be.


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