
22の名言とエピソードで知る ディエゴ・マラドーナ[英語と和訳]

  My mother thinks I am the best. And I was raised to always believe what my mother tells me.私の母は、私が最高だと思っている。私は母が話すことをいつも信じるように育てられたんだ。Diego MaradonaMy mother thinks I am the best. And I was raised to always believe what my mother tells me.

  I hate everything that comes from the United States. I hate it with all my strength.アメリカのものはすべて嫌いだ。全力で嫌いだ。Diego MaradonaI hate everything that comes from the United States. I hate it with all my strength.

  There are hundreds of Beckhams playing football all over the world.ベッカムレベルのプレイヤーは世界に何百人もいる。Diego MaradonaThere are hundreds of Beckhams playing football all over the world.

  If you don't want to play clean football then go up into the stands.クリーンなサッカーをしたくないのなら、ピッチでなくスタンドに上がらなくてはならない。Diego MaradonaIf you don’t want to play clean football then go up into the stands.

  Messi and Ronaldinho is the best player in the world.メッシとロナウジーニョは世界最高の選手だ。Diego MaradonaMessi and Ronaldinho is the best player in the world.

  I gave all I had. Now I want to enjoy my family.私は持てる力すべてを注いできた。今は私の家族との時間を楽しみたいんだ。Diego MaradonaI gave all I had. Now I want to enjoy my family.

  Beckham is a nice man and I'm sure he will reach 100 appearances for England. But he is just a good player, nothing more.ベッカムは良い男で、イングランド代表の試合100回出場に到達するだろう。だが、彼は単に上手いサッカー選手であり、それ以上のものではない。Diego MaradonaBeckham is a nice man and I’m sure he will reach 100 appearances for England. But he is just a good player, nothing more.

  If I could apologise and go back and change history I would do. But the goal is still a goal, Argentina became world champions and I was the best player in the world.謝罪し、過去に戻り歴史を変えられるならそうするだろう。だが、結局ゴールはゴールであり、アルゼンチンはワールドチャンピオンであり、私は世界最高のプレーヤーだった。Diego MaradonaIf I could apologise and go back and change history I would do. But the goal is still a goal, Argentina became world champions and I was the best player in the world.

  I am black or white, I'll never be grey in my life.私は白黒はっきりさせる。私の人生でグレーになることはない。Diego MaradonaI am black or white, I’ll never be grey in my life.

  God makes me play well. That is why I always make the sign of a cross when I walk out on to the pitch. I feel I would be betraying him if I didn't.神は私によくプレーさせてくれた。だからピッチに出るときはいつも十字を切る。そうしなければ神を裏切ることになると思うのだ。Diego MaradonaGod makes me play well. That is why I always make the sign of a cross when I walk out on to the pitch. I feel I would be betraying him if I didn’t.


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