
  I know I'm incredibly unpredictable, and that's the only thing I'm sure of.私が信じられないくらいに予測不可能であることを私は知っている、そしてそれが私が確信しているただひとつのことである。Sylvester StalloneI know I’m incredibly unpredictable, and that’s the only thing I’m sure of.

  I have great expectations for the future, because the past was highly overrated.過去に過大評価されてきたので、未来には大いに期待している。Sylvester StalloneI have great expectations for the future, because the past was highly overrated.

  I am not the richest, smartest or most talented person in the world, but I succeed because I keep going and going and going.世界一の金持ちでも、最も賢いわけでも、最も才能があるわけでもない私だが、立ち止まらず継続することで成功してきたんだ。Sylvester StalloneI am not the richest, smartest or most talented person in the world, but I succeed because I keep going and going and going.

  The fear is the fuel that we use for overachievement. If I wasn’t afraid at times, I wouldn’t work as hard.恐怖は、予想を超える成功のために使う燃料だ。時に恐れることがなければ、がむしゃらにがんばりはしないだろう。Sylvester StalloneThe fear is the fuel that we use for overachievement. If I wasn’t afraid at times, I wouldn’t work as hard.

  When I was in junior high school, the teachers voted me the student most likely to end up in the electric chair.中学生の頃、先生たちは「電気イスで人生を終える可能性が最も高い生徒」に私を選んだんだ。Sylvester StalloneWhen I was in junior high school, the teachers voted me the student most likely to end up in the electric chair.

  If you look back at life, I bet you will regret about 80% of your actions. But life consists of all mistakes.人生を振り返るならば、やってきたことの8割は後悔することになるのではないだろうか。だが、人生はすべての失敗から成り立っているものなんだ。Sylvester StalloneIf you look back at life, I bet you will regret about 80% of your actions. But life consists of all mistakes.

  If you express yourself too much, you're considered weak.もし自分自身を過剰に表現しすぎると、あなたは弱いと見做されるだろう。Sylvester StalloneIf you express yourself too much, you’re considered weak.

  Every time I’ve failed, people had me out for the count, but I always come back.失敗するたびに、世間にノックアウトされたが、私はいつもリングに戻ってくるんだ。Sylvester StalloneEvery time I’ve failed, people had me out for the count, but I always come back.

  Remember the mind is your best muscle… Big arms can move rocks, but big words can move mountains…. Ride the brain train for success.あなたの心は最高の筋肉だということを忘れないでください。大きな腕は岩を動かすことができるが、大きな言葉は山をも動かすことができる。さあ、成功のために知の電車に乗るんだ。Sylvester StalloneRemember the mind is your best muscle… Big arms can move rocks, but big words can move mountains…. Ride the brain train for success.

  I think everyone has a certain kind of formula in their life. When you deviate from that formula, you're going to fail big or you're gonna win big.誰もが自分の人生における、ある種の公式を持っていると思うんだ。その公式から逸れたとき、あなたは大失敗もしくは大成功することになるのさ。Sylvester StalloneI think everyone has a certain kind of formula in their life. When you deviate from that formula, you’re going to fail big or you’re gonna win big.

  When life hits you pretty hard, you can go into a dark corner.人生がキツくなった時は、暗い隅っこでじっとしていてもいいんだ。Sylvester StalloneWhen life hits you pretty hard, you can go into a dark corner.

  I'm always looking for a new challenge. There are a lot of mountains to climb out there. When I run out of mountains, I'll build a new one.私はいつも新しい挑戦を探している。登る山はたくさんある。山がなくなったら新しい山を作るんだ。Sylvester StalloneI’m always looking for a new challenge. There are a lot of mountains to climb out there. When I run out of mountains, I’ll build a new one.

  Rocky' represents the optimistic side of life, and 'Rambo' represents purgatory.ロッキーは、人生の楽観的側面を表している。ランボーは、煉獄を表している。Sylvester StalloneRocky’ represents the optimistic side of life, and ‘Rambo’ represents purgatory.


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