
  As far as I always am honest, have a pain and live for myself, I’d like to enjoy a life greatly.僕はいつも自分に正直で、苦しみを感じ、自分のために生きたい。人生を大いに楽しみたいんだ。Freddie MercuryAs far as I always am honest, have a pain and live for myself, I’d like to enjoy a life greatly.

  If you see it there, darling, then it’s there!そこにそれが見えるなら、それは実際にあるんだよ!Freddie MercuryIf you see it there, darling, then it’s there!

  A concert is not a live rendition of our album, It’s a theatrical event!コンサートは単なるアルバム曲の演奏ではない、演劇的イベントなんだ!Freddie MercuryA concert is not a live rendition of our album, It’s a theatrical event!

  Please write a word! Because I sing!詞を書いてくれ!歌うから!Freddie MercuryPlease write a word! Because I sing!

  I'm possessed by love - but isn't everybody?僕は愛に取り憑かれているんだ。だけど皆そうじゃないか?- 1985年4月 イギリスの日刊紙「ザ・サン」よりFreddie MercuryI’m possessed by love – but isn’t everybody?
僕は愛に取り憑かれているんだ。だけど皆そうじゃないか?- 1985年4月 イギリスの日刊紙「ザ・サン」より

  Could the guest who has come to the queen’s concert return pleasantly to his heart’s content? I think that I go to see a good movie, and queen’s song is an escape from actuality.クイーンのコンサートに来た人には心ゆくまで楽しんで帰ってもらいたいね。クイーンの曲はいい映画を見に行くみたいに現実逃避なのさ。Freddie MercuryCould the guest who has come to the queen’s concert return pleasantly to his heart’s content? I think that I go to see a good movie, and queen’s song is an escape from actuality.

  Compromise is the dirtiest word for me.妥協は僕にとって最も汚らしい言葉だ。Freddie MercuryCompromise is the dirtiest word for me.

  I like people to go away from a Queen show feeling fully entertained, having had a good time.僕は人々がクイーンのショーで楽しい時間を過ごし、完全に堪能して帰ってもらうのが好きなんだ。- 1981年5月 雑誌「メロディ・メイカー」よりFreddie MercuryI like people to go away from a Queen show feeling fully entertained, having had a good time.
僕は人々がクイーンのショーで楽しい時間を過ごし、完全に堪能して帰ってもらうのが好きなんだ。- 1981年5月 雑誌「メロディ・メイカー」より

  I dress up to captivate. But, it’s graceful.僕は魅了するために着飾る。ただし優雅にね。Freddie MercuryI dress up to captivate. But, it’s graceful.

  Music is akin to a lady. If I try to understand, you can’t enjoy yourself.音楽は女性と似ている。理解しようとすると楽しめないのさ。Freddie MercuryMusic is akin to a lady. If I try to understand, you can’t enjoy yourself.

  I'm very emotional and quite very emotional. It's good to make oneself and others useless with that.僕はとても感情的で、かなり直情的なんだ。それで自分も人もダメにしてしまうことがよくある。Freddie MercuryI’m very emotional and quite very emotional. It’s good to make oneself and others useless with that.

  Queen’s concepts are magnificence and elevation. I’d like to be dandy while also having the glamorous aspect.クイーンのコンセプトは壮大さと気高さだ。グラマラスでありながら、ダンディでありたいんだ。Freddie MercuryQueen’s concepts are magnificence and elevation. I’d like to be dandy while also having the glamorous aspect.

  I am a romantic, but I do put up a barrier around myself, so it is hard for people to get in and to know the real me.僕はロマンチックだけど、自分の周りに壁を作ってる。だから、他の人が僕の壁の内側に入って、本当の僕を知ることは難しいよ。Freddie MercuryI am a romantic, but I do put up a barrier around myself, so it is hard for people to get in and to know the real me.

  I knew that one was a star everytime. All over the world seems to be the same opinion as me in now.僕はいつだって自分がスターだと知っていた。今では世界中が僕と同じ意見のようだ。Freddie MercuryI knew that one was a star everytime. All over the world seems to be the same opinion as me in now.

  You can be anything you want to be, just turn yourself into anything you think that you could ever be.それが何であれ、あなたは自分がなりたいものになれる。あなたがこれまでで一番良いと思えるものにあなた自身が変えればよいのです。Freddie MercuryYou can be anything you want to be, just turn yourself into anything you think that you could ever be.

  I thought it became incredible big and maybe it was real.とてつもなくビッグになると思っていたし、実際にそうなった。Freddie MercuryI thought it became incredible big and maybe it was real.

  I live through a life fully. For me, every day is a carnival.僕は余すところなく人生を生きる。毎日がカーニバルなのさ。Freddie MercuryI live through a life fully. For me, every day is a carnival.

  The most important thing is to live a fabulous life. As long as it’s fabulous I don’t care how long it is.最も重要なことは素晴らしい人生を生きることだ。人生が素晴らしいのならその長さは関係ない。Freddie MercuryThe most important thing is to live a fabulous life. As long as it’s fabulous I don’t care how long it is.

  The reason we're successful, darling? My overall charisma, of course.僕らが成功した理由だって?もちろん全体的な僕のカリスマ性さ。Freddie MercuryThe reason we’re successful, darling? My overall charisma, of course.

  I don’t like my snaggletooth. It’ll be cured neatly, but there was no time. When there even is no that,… I’m perfect.自分の出っ歯が嫌いなんだ。きれいに治すつもりだけど時間がなかったんだ。それさえなければ…僕は完璧さ。Freddie MercuryI don’t like my snaggletooth. It’ll be cured neatly, but there was no time. When there even is no that,… I’m perfect.

  The bigger is better; in everything.でかいことは良いことさ。すべてにおいてね。Freddie MercuryThe bigger is better; in everything.

  We're a very expensive group; we break a lot of rules, It's unheard of to combine opera with a rock theme, my dear.僕たちはすごく価値のあるバンドだ。たくさんのルールを壊し、ロックとオペラを融合させるという前代未聞のことをやってのけたのだからね。Freddie MercuryWe’re a very expensive group; we break a lot of rules, It’s unheard of to combine opera with a rock theme, my dear.

  Who wants to live forever?誰が永遠に生きたいというんだい?Freddie MercuryWho wants to live forever?


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