
  I've never liked the recognition, the questions, the publicity. I have often felt like running away and hiding.認知、質問、宣伝されることを好きになったことはない。よく逃げ出して隠れたい気持ちになるんだ。Al PacinoI’ve never liked the recognition, the questions, the publicity. I have often felt like running away and hiding.

  My weaknesses… I wish I could come up with something. I’d probably have the same pause if you asked me what my strengths are. Maybe they’re the same thing.

  I'm an actor, not a star. Stars are people who live in Hollywood and have heart-shaped swimming pools.私は俳優でありスターではない。スターは、ハリウッドに住みハート型のスイミングプールを持つ人々のことだ。Al PacinoI’m an actor, not a star. Stars are people who live in Hollywood and have heart-shaped swimming pools.

  My first language was shy. It's only by having been thrust into the limelight that I have learned to cope with my shyness.私は生まれつきのシャイだ。シャイに対処するため学んだことは脚光を浴びるよう飛び込んでいったこと、それだけさ。Al PacinoMy first language was shy. It’s only by having been thrust into the limelight that I have learned to cope with my shyness.

  I'm so shy now I wear sunglasses everywhere I go.とても恥ずかしがりやだからどこへ出かけるときもサングラスをかけているんだ。Al PacinoI’m so shy now I wear sunglasses everywhere I go.

  The problem with me is, I guess, the way I express myself, you have to be with me 50 years before you can get a sense of what I'm talking about.私の問題は、自分自身の表現方法にあると思う。私の話を分かるには50年は一緒に過ごさないとね。Al PacinoThe problem with me is, I guess, the way I express myself, you have to be with me 50 years before you can get a sense of what I’m talking about.

  Most everybody who's Italian is half Italian. Except me. I'm all Italian. I'm mostly Sicilian, and I have a little bit of Neapolitan in me. You get your full dose with me.イタリア人のほとんどはハーフイタリアンだ。俺は違う。俺はイタリアンだ。ほとんどシシリアンだ。少しナポリタンだ。Al PacinoMost everybody who’s Italian is half Italian. Except me. I’m all Italian. I’m mostly Sicilian, and I have a little bit of Neapolitan in me. You get your full dose with me.

  I used to wear disguises, like hats and false beards, just to walk around and avoid attention.よく変装して歩いてたよ。帽子かぶったり付け髭したり。注目を避けるためにね。Al PacinoI used to wear disguises, like hats and false beards, just to walk around and avoid attention.

  There has been a lot of self-doubt and unwelcome events in my life.私の人生には、自分を疑ったり不愉快な出来事がやまほどあったよ。Al PacinoThere has been a lot of self-doubt and unwelcome events in my life.

  It would be hard to play a character you don't like - for me anyway - or can't find something in them to like.嫌いなキャラクターを演じるのはキツいよね。俺の場合、好きになる要素がない役柄だけどさ。Al PacinoIt would be hard to play a character you don’t like – for me anyway – or can’t find something in them to like.

  Vanity is my favourite sin.虚栄心、私の好きな罪だ。Al PacinoVanity is my favourite sin.

  I was not prepared for fame. It hit me hard, and I did not have the capacity to cope.私は有名になる準備ができてなかった。有名になることの衝撃は激しく、うまく対処する能力に欠けていた。Al PacinoI was not prepared for fame. It hit me hard, and I did not have the capacity to cope.

  The actor becomes an emotional athlete. The process is painful - my personal life suffers.俳優は喜怒哀楽のスリートになる。そのプロセスは苦しく、私の私的な人生は苦しいものだ。Al PacinoThe actor becomes an emotional athlete. The process is painful – my personal life suffers.

  I don't ever give my opinion. Opinions I have about anything are in my personal life.私はこれまで意見を述べたことはない。いかなる私の意見は私的な生活の中にある。Al PacinoI don’t ever give my opinion. Opinions I have about anything are in my personal life.

  Money makes your life easier. If you're lucky to have it, you're lucky.お金はあなたの人生を簡単にする。幸運にもお金を手にできたなら、あなたはついてるということだ。Al PacinoMoney makes your life easier. If you’re lucky to have it, you’re lucky.

  There are a lot of roles in Shakespeare, basically. If I feel that the script is a movie, I would be interested in doing any role of Shakespeare's.シェイクスピアにはたくさんの役がある。スクリプトが映画だと思えばシェイクスピアのどんな役でも面白そうだ。Al PacinoThere are a lot of roles in Shakespeare, basically. If I feel that the script is a movie, I would be interested in doing any role of Shakespeare’s.


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