22の名言とエピソードで知る女優 ナタリー・ポートマン[英語と和訳]

  I am not someone who sacrifice all for the cinema, my life will be always more important.私は映画のためにすべてを犠牲にする人間ではありません、私の人生はいつでももっと重要なのです。Natalie PortmanI am not someone who sacrifice all for the cinema, my life will be always more important.

  I studied psychology in school, and the best psychology is in literature. It's so much easier to understand a character than a theory. You can recognize yourself—or other people—in a different way.学校では心理学を学びました、そして最良の心理学は文学の中にあります。理論より人物を理解するのははるかに簡単です。あなたは自分自身あるいは他の人々を別の方法で認識することができるのです。Natalie PortmanI studied psychology in school, and the best psychology is in literature. It’s so much easier to understand a character than a theory. You can recognize yourself—or other people—in a different way.

  Going to a party, for me, is as much a learning experience as, you know, sitting in a lecture.パーティーに行くことは、私にとって座って講義を受けるのと同じくらい多くの学びがあります。Natalie PortmanGoing to a party, for me, is as much a learning experience as, you know, sitting in a lecture.

  I loved school so much that most of my classmates considered me a dork.私は学校が大好きでした、クラスメートのほとんどが私をアホだと思っていたでしょう。Natalie PortmanI loved school so much that most of my classmates considered me a dork.

  I'm afraid of everything. But maybe when you're afraid of everything, it sort of seems like you're scared of nothing.私はあらゆることが怖いのです。だけど、あなたがすべてのことを怖がっているのなら、もしかしたら何も怖がってないのかもしれません。Natalie PortmanI’m afraid of everything. But maybe when you’re afraid of everything, it sort of seems like you’re scared of nothing.

  Cute is when your personality shines through your looks. Like, when you see someone's personality in the way they walk and you just feel like hugging them every time you see them.可愛いのは、あなたの人格があなたのルックスを通して輝いている時です。誰かの歩き方を見るたびにその人を抱きしめたくなるようにね。Natalie PortmanCute is when your personality shines through your looks. Like, when you see someone’s personality in the way they walk and you just feel like hugging them every time you see them.

  It scares me to think that one day I'm not going to be in school anymore.いつかある日、もう学校に行かなくなると思うと怖いわ。Natalie PortmanIt scares me to think that one day I’m not going to be in school anymore.

  Awards are so unnecessary because I think we get so much out of our work just by doing it. The work is a reward in itself.私たちは、仕事をすることで多くのことを得ると思うので、賞を獲得することはそんなに必要ではないわ。その仕事自体が報酬なの。Natalie PortmanAwards are so unnecessary because I think we get so much out of our work just by doing it. The work is a reward in itself.

  I usually dress very casual. Whenever I go out with my friends, I'm always like, 'Can't I just wear sweatpants?'普段はすごくカジュアルな格好です。友達と出かける時はいつも「トレパンでもいい?」という感じです。Natalie PortmanI usually dress very casual. Whenever I go out with my friends, I’m always like, ‘Can’t I just wear sweatpants?’

  When a guy tells me I'm cute, it's not something desirable. Cute is more like what you want your pet to be.男が私に「カワイイ」と言うのは、あまり好きではないわ。「カワイイ」はペットにぴったりな言葉だから。Natalie PortmanWhen a guy tells me I’m cute, it’s not something desirable. Cute is more like what you want your pet to be.

  I'm always on the phone because I'm usually not with the people I want to be with.いつも一緒にいたい人たちと一緒にいれないので、私はいつも電話をしてるの。Natalie PortmanI’m always on the phone because I’m usually not with the people I want to be with.


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