
  The charge is the time of the absolute needs, but it would be grandchild’s charge the time of the relative needs.

  It's indispensable preparation work to study a history of thought for release of human spirit.思想史を研究することは、人間精神の解放にとって必須の準備作業である。John Maynard KeynesIt’s indispensable preparation work to study a history of thought for release of human spirit.

  It is better to be roughly right than precisely wrong.厳密に間違うよりも、概ね正しいほうが良い。John Maynard KeynesIt is better to be roughly right than precisely wrong.

  The main problem for economics today is probably to classify The main problem for economics today is probably to classify “I should accomplish.” and “I shouldn’t accomplish.” of a government again once more.

  Words ought to be a little wild for they are the assault of thoughts on the unthinking.言葉は少しワイルドであるべきだ、それは何も考えていない人に対して思考を強いる。John Maynard KeynesWords ought to be a little wild for they are the assault of thoughts on the unthinking.

  The difficulty lies, not in the new ideas, but in escaping from the old ones.難しいのは、その新しい発想自体ではなく、古い発想から逃れることだ。John Maynard KeynesThe difficulty lies, not in the new ideas, but in escaping from the old ones.

  When I'm at a harbor, the ship is safe, but then business of the ship isn't accomplished.船は港にいれば安全だが、それでは船の用をなさない。John Maynard KeynesWhen I’m at a harbor, the ship is safe, but then business of the ship isn’t accomplished.

  Economics is one field of the logic and is a one-sided way of thought. Economics is moral science essentially, and not a natural science.経済学は論理学の一分野であり、思考の一方法です。経済学は本質的にモラル・サイエンスであって自然科学ではありません。John Maynard KeynesEconomics is one field of the logic and is a one-sided way of thought. Economics is moral science essentially, and not a natural science.

  The present rulers and intellectuals are an intellectual in the past and a slave of thought in the past completely.現在の為政者や知識人は、すべて過去の知識人や過去の思考の奴隷なのだ。John Maynard KeynesThe present rulers and intellectuals are an intellectual in the past and a slave of thought in the past completely.

  The long run is a misleading guide to current affairs. In the long run we are all dead.長期的視点は現在の出来事をミスリードする案内人である。長期的に見れば、我々は皆死んでいるのだ。(ケインズの本:A Tract on Monetary Reform)John Maynard KeynesThe long run is a misleading guide to current affairs. In the long run we are all dead.
長期的視点は現在の出来事をミスリードする案内人である。長期的に見れば、我々は皆死んでいるのだ。(ケインズの本:A Tract on Monetary Reform)


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