
  Conscience is the voice of the soul; the passions are the voice of the body.良心は精神の声であり、情熱は肉体の声である。Jean Jacques RousseauConscience is the voice of the soul; the passions are the voice of the body.

  We are born, so to speak, twice over; born into existence, and born into life.私たちは、いわば二回この世に生まれる。一回目は存在するために、二回目は生きるために。Jean Jacques RousseauWe are born, so to speak, twice over; born into existence, and born into life.

  Happiness: a good bank account, a good cook, and a good digestion.幸福とは、良い資産、良い料理人、良い消化。Jean Jacques RousseauHappiness: a good bank account, a good cook, and a good digestion.

  He who is most slow in making a promise is the most faithful in performance of it.気軽に約束しない人は、もっとも誠実に約束を守る。Jean Jacques RousseauHe who is most slow in making a promise is the most faithful in performance of it.

  Whoever blushes is already guilty; true innocence is ashamed of nothing.誰であれ赤面すればそれは既に罪である。真の潔白とは一切を恥じぬ事である。Jean Jacques RousseauWhoever blushes is already guilty; true innocence is ashamed of nothing.

  Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains. Those who think themselves the masters of others are indeed greater slaves than they.人間は生まれながらにして自由である。しかし、いたるところで鎖につながれている。自分こそが主人だと思っている人も、実は奴隷であることに変わりはない。- ルソーによる本「社会契約論」よりJean Jacques RousseauMan is born free, and everywhere he is in chains. Those who think themselves the masters of others are indeed greater slaves than they.
人間は生まれながらにして自由である。しかし、いたるところで鎖につながれている。自分こそが主人だと思っている人も、実は奴隷であることに変わりはない。- ルソーによる本「社会契約論」より

  There is nothing better than the encouragement of a good friend.良い友人の励ましより価値のあるものはない。Jean Jacques RousseauThere is nothing better than the encouragement of a good friend.

  People who know little are usually great talkers, while men who know much say little.ものを知らない人はよくしゃべり、よく知っている人はあまりしゃべらない。Jean Jacques RousseauPeople who know little are usually great talkers, while men who know much say little.

  Temperance and labor are the two best physicians of man; labor sharpens the appetite, and temperance prevents from indulging to excess.節制と労働こそが、人間にとって最良の医者である。労働は食欲を活発にし、節制が過剰に食におぼれるのを防いでくれる。Jean Jacques RousseauTemperance and labor are the two best physicians of man; labor sharpens the appetite, and temperance prevents from indulging to excess.

  Everything is good as it comes from the hands of the Maker of the world, but degenerates once it gets into the hands of man.いかなる物でも、自然という造物主の手から出るときは善であり、人間の手に渡って悪となる。Jean Jacques RousseauEverything is good as it comes from the hands of the Maker of the world, but degenerates once it gets into the hands of man.

  Absolute silence leads to sadness. It is the image of death.完全な沈黙は悲しむべきものである。それは死の表象である。Jean Jacques RousseauAbsolute silence leads to sadness. It is the image of death.

  A man says what he knows, a woman says what will please.男は知っていることをしゃべり、女は人に喜ばれることをしゃべる。Jean Jacques RousseauA man says what he knows, a woman says what will please.

  Back to Nature.自然に還れ。Jean Jacques RousseauBack to Nature.

  Fame is but the breath of people, and that often unwholesome.名声は人々のささやきに他ならないが、それはしばしば有害である。Jean Jacques RousseauFame is but the breath of people, and that often unwholesome.

  Take the course opposite to custom and you will almost always do well.慣習とは反対の道を行け。そうすれば常に物事はうまくいく。Jean Jacques RousseauTake the course opposite to custom and you will almost always do well.

  The person who has lived the most is not the one who has lived the longest, but the one with the richest experiences.最もよく生きた人間とは、最も年を経た人間のことではない。最も人生を楽しんだ人間のことである。Jean Jacques RousseauThe person who has lived the most is not the one who has lived the longest, but the one with the richest experiences.

  The body politic, like the human body, begins to die from its birth, and bears in itself the causes of its destruction.政治体というのは、人間の体と同じように、生まれたときから、死に始める。つまりそれ自体が、破滅の原因をもっている。Jean Jacques RousseauThe body politic, like the human body, begins to die from its birth, and bears in itself the causes of its destruction.

  Free people, remember this maxim: We may acquire liberty, but it is never recovered if it is once lost.自由なる人々よ、この言葉を忘れるな。我々は自由を得るかも知れない、しかし一度それが失われると取り戻す事はできぬ。Jean Jacques RousseauFree people, remember this maxim: We may acquire liberty, but it is never recovered if it is once lost.

  The money that we possess is the instrument of liberty, that which we lack and strive to obtain is the instrument of slavery.持っている金は、自由への手段であり、求めている金とは、隷属への手段である。- ルソーによる本「告白」よりJean Jacques RousseauThe money that we possess is the instrument of liberty, that which we lack and strive to obtain is the instrument of slavery.
持っている金は、自由への手段であり、求めている金とは、隷属への手段である。- ルソーによる本「告白」より

  Every person has a right to risk their own life for the preservation of it.すべての人間は自らの生命を守るためにそれを危険に晒す権利を持つ。Jean Jacques RousseauEvery person has a right to risk their own life for the preservation of it.

  You are lost if you forget that the fruits of the earth belong to all and the earth to no one!果実は万人のものであり、土地はだれのものでもないことを忘れるなら、君たちの身の破滅だぞ!Jean Jacques RousseauYou are lost if you forget that the fruits of the earth belong to all and the earth to no one!


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