「翼よ! あれが巴里の灯だ」リンドバーグ19の名言[英語と和訳]

  There is no better way to give comfort to an enemy than to divide the people of a nation over the issue of foreign war.外国の戦争問題で国内の人々を分断するより他に、敵を満足させることはない。Charles LindberghThere is no better way to give comfort to an enemy than to divide the people of a nation over the issue of foreign war.

  We must learn from the sermons of Christ, the wisdom of Lao Tzu, the teachings of Buddha.我々は、キリストの説教、老師の知恵、ブッダの教えから学ばなければならない。Charles LindberghWe must learn from the sermons of Christ, the wisdom of Lao Tzu, the teachings of Buddha.

  I would rather spend one day on Maui than 30 days in the hospital.病院で30日過ごすよりマウイで1日過ごす方が良い。Charles LindberghI would rather spend one day on Maui than 30 days in the hospital.

  Isn't it strange that we talk least about the things we think about most?私たちが最も考えていることについてほんの少ししか話さないのはおかしくはないだろうか?Charles LindberghIsn’t it strange that we talk least about the things we think about most?

  It's almost as easy to stand up as it is to sit down.立ち上がることは座っているのと同じくらい簡単なことだ。Charles LindberghIt’s almost as easy to stand up as it is to sit down.


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