20の名言とエピソードで知る俳優 サミュエル・L・ジャクソン[英語と和訳]

  If you have an opportunity to use your voice you should use it.言い表す機会があるのなら、あなたはそれを使うべきだ。Samuel Leroy JacksonIf you have an opportunity to use your voice you should use it.

  I see myself as a storyteller. So, when I read something, I see the story, and I see it on screen, in my head, in a certain way. I always want to see it and see me in it.私は自分のことをストーリーテラーだと思っている。だから何かを読んだら、物語を見て、頭の中でスクリーン上で物語を見る。いつもそう見たいしその中に自分を見たいんだ。Samuel Leroy JacksonI see myself as a storyteller. So, when I read something, I see the story, and I see it on screen, in my head, in a certain way. I always want to see it and see me in it.

  Painters get up and paint. Writers get up and write. I like to get up and act. It’s not a big deal. It makes me happy.

  If you do not have courage, you may not have the opportunity to use any of your other virtues.勇気があたなになければ、他の美徳を使う機会がないかもしれません。Samuel Leroy JacksonIf you do not have courage, you may not have the opportunity to use any of your other virtues.

  I guess the worst day I have had was when I had to stand up in rehab in front of my wife and daughter and say 'Hi, my name is Sam and I am an addict.'いままでの最悪の日は、妻と娘の前でリハビリで「やあ、僕の名前はサム。中毒なんだ。」って言わなくちゃいけなかった時だ。Samuel Leroy JacksonI guess the worst day I have had was when I had to stand up in rehab in front of my wife and daughter and say ‘Hi, my name is Sam and I am an addict.’

  When people want me to sign an autograph in a restaurant, and I'm eating. I don't even have to say no, I just kind of stop and look at them … When people want me to sign an autograph in a restaurant, and I’m eating. I don’t even have to say no, I just kind of stop and look at them … “Oh, okay. I’ll … I’ll come back.”

  I actually think I have an audience member’s sensibility about going to the movies.私は、自分が映画を見に行くことについて観客の感性を持っていると実際思っている。Samuel Leroy JacksonI actually think I have an audience member’s sensibility about going to the movies.

  I read, watch television, watch movies, hang out with family. I like my clothes and I have great cars, and I drive those. But for most people, it’s like, “That’s boring. You don’t club? You don’t party?I read, watch television, watch movies, hang out with family. I like my clothes and I have great cars, and I drive those. But for most people, it’s like, “That’s boring. You don’t club? You don’t party?”

  I understood, through rehab, things about creating characters. I understood that creating whole people means knowing where we come from, how we can make a mistake and how we overcome things to make ourselves stronger.私はリハビリを通して、キャラクターの作り方を理解したんだ。すべての人々を作ることは、我々がどこから来たのか、我々がどうミスを犯すのか、どのように自身を強くするために物事を克服するのかを知ることである、と理解したんだ。Samuel Leroy JacksonI understood, through rehab, things about creating characters. I understood that creating whole people means knowing where we come from, how we can make a mistake and how we overcome things to make ourselves stronger.

  My ass may be dumb, but I ain’t no dumbass.私のケツは間が抜けてるかもしれないが、私はケツ野郎ではない。Samuel Leroy JacksonMy ass may be dumb, but I ain’t no dumbass.

  When I'm not working, I like to play golf.仕事をしてないときは、ゴルフをするのが好きなんだ。Samuel Leroy JacksonWhen I’m not working, I like to play golf.

  Oh I’m sorry did I break your conversation?ああ、すみません、あなたの会話を遮りましたか?Samuel Leroy JacksonOh I’m sorry did I break your conversation?

  I have a lot more energy than I used to have.私は、以前よりもはるかに多くのエネルギーを持っているよ。Samuel Leroy JacksonI have a lot more energy than I used to have.

  People know about the Klan and the overt racism, but the killing of one’s soul little by little, day after day, is a lot worse than someone coming in your house and lynching you.人々はクー・クラックス・クランのことを知っているし、明白な人種差別主義であるが、毎日少しづつ魂を殺すことは、あなたの家に誰か侵入してあなたをリンチすることよりずっと悪いことである。Samuel Leroy JacksonPeople know about the Klan and the overt racism, but the killing of one’s soul little by little, day after day, is a lot worse than someone coming in your house and lynching you.


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