23の名言とエピソードで知る俳優 ジョニー・デップ[英語と和訳]

  If you love two people at the same time, choose the second one. Because if you really loved the first one, you wouldn’t have fallen for the second.もし2人の人を同時に好きになったら、2番目に好きになった人を選びなさい。なぜなら本当に最初の人を愛しているなら、2番目に好きになった人に恋をするはずがないのだから。Johnny DeppIf you love two people at the same time, choose the second one. Because if you really loved the first one, you wouldn’t have fallen for the second.

  I'm an old-fashioned guy... I want to be an old man with a beer belly sitting on a porch, looking at a lake or something.僕は古臭い男なんだ。ビール腹でベランダに座って、湖なんかを眺めるような老人になりたいんだ。Johnny DeppI’m an old-fashioned guy… I want to be an old man with a beer belly sitting on a porch, looking at a lake or something.

  You can close your eyes to the things you don’t want to see, but you can’t close your heart to the things you don’t want to feel.見たくないものがあったら目を閉じればいい。しかし、感じたくないことに対して心を閉じることはできない。Johnny DeppYou can close your eyes to the things you don’t want to see, but you can’t close your heart to the things you don’t want to feel.

  Laugh as much as you breathe and love as long as you live.息をするように笑い、生きている限り愛しなさい。Johnny DeppLaugh as much as you breathe and love as long as you live.

  My favorite color is black.僕の好きな色は黒だ。Johnny DeppMy favorite color is black.

  Me, I'm dishonest, and you can always trust a dishonest man to be dishonest. Honestly, it's the honest ones you have to watch out for.僕は不誠実だ、不誠実である不誠実な人はいつも信用できる。正直に言うと、実は気をつけなきゃいけないのは誠実な人間のほうなんだ。Johnny DeppMe, I’m dishonest, and you can always trust a dishonest man to be dishonest. Honestly, it’s the honest ones you have to watch out for.

  How many chances to you get to make a musical about a serial killer? The minute Tim Burton approached me, I was in.連続殺人鬼のミュージカルを作るチャンスなんて何回もらえると思う? ティム・バートンが話を持ち掛けた瞬間にやるって決めたよ。Johnny DeppHow many chances to you get to make a musical about a serial killer? The minute Tim Burton approached me, I was in.
連続殺人鬼のミュージカルを作るチャンスなんて何回もらえると思う? ティム・バートンが話を持ち掛けた瞬間にやるって決めたよ。

  Tomorrow it’ll all be over, then I'll have to go back to selling pens again.明日、すべてが終わったのなら、ペンを売る仕事にもどらなければならない。Johnny DeppTomorrow it’ll all be over, then I’ll have to go back to selling pens again.

  Escapism is survival to me.僕にとって現実逃避は、生き残る道だ。Johnny DeppEscapism is survival to me.

  We’re all damaged in our own way. Nobody’s perfect. I think we’re all somewhat screwy. Every single one of us.人は誰であっても傷つくものだ。完璧な人間なんていない。人は皆、多少はしくじったりするものだよ。誰であってもね。Johnny DeppWe’re all damaged in our own way. Nobody’s perfect. I think we’re all somewhat screwy. Every single one of us.

  When you have children, there is no room for lies, no room for anything but the truth. Anything other than that is a bad example, I believe.子供がいるならば、嘘をつく余地はない、真実以外を語る余地はないんだ。それ以外はないんだ。Johnny DeppWhen you have children, there is no room for lies, no room for anything but the truth. Anything other than that is a bad example, I believe.

  Everything is just very, very blurry. I've never had proper vision.すべてが非常にぼやけて不鮮明だ。正しいヴィジョンなんて持ったことはない。Johnny DeppEverything is just very, very blurry. I’ve never had proper vision.


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